Buying a Labrador
Registered Breeders
This directory has been introduced for members to advertise their kennels. The breeders on this list are current Dogs Victoria registered breeders who must comply with the minimum standards for the quality of life, health and well-being of dogs as set out in the Domestic Animals Act 1994, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 and Dogs Victoria's Code of Ethics. Not all current LRCV registered breeders have applied to be listed on this page.
Please contact Dogs Victoria on 03 9788 2500 or email: to verify the breeder's membership status.
If you are thinking of purchasing a puppy, here are some information that may assist you in your search for a responsible breeder.
Remember, you can't ask too many questions
- NLRBC Puppy Buyers Guide
- Choosing a breeder
- Buying a Labrador Puppy
- Alert on silver Labradors - NLRBC position statement
LRCV Directory
The breeders listed in this section are current Labrador Retriever Club of Victoria members, have been members of the Club for at least two years and have attended the breeder forum.
The corresponding paw prints on their profiles indicate the type of activities that the breeder engages their dogs in as well as engagement in various club events.
Breeder has dogs actively engaged in community service
Breeder is actively involved in Club events for at least 2 consecutive years
Breeder competes or has bred dogs that participates in retrieving trials
Breeder competes or has bred dogs that participates in performance sports
Breeder breeds dogs as pets or companions
Breeder is a current member of the Club committee or sub-committee
Breeder breeds dogs for conformation (Dog Shows) and exhibits dogs
The breeders below sell pedigree purebreds that are issued with certified pedigree certificates from the Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC). There are two types of registration: Main Registration & Limited Registration
Zenchel Labrador Retrievers
Zenchel is owned and run by Sylvia Power who has bred, shown, trained, trialed and loved Labrador Retrievers for over three decades.
Please note: we do not have any puppies available at the moment
Reveirter Labradors
We are a small kennel breeding for temperament and working ability.
Our dogs are primarily involved in retrieving trials and hunting but are just as happy to relax at home with our family.
Please note: we do not have any puppies available at the moment
Jodielassie Labradors
Diane is a breeder from the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. We do a dog sport called flyball and Obedience trailing and Rally Obedience.
Only one of our girls is still breeding which is a chocolate girl Mocha. A girl with lots of character.
Now that Amber is finished with breeding, she is now a certified Delta Therapy Dog.
Expression of interest for a future litter is being accepted.
Beereegan Labrador Retrievers
Mark and I have been breeding Labradors for thirty two years, consistently producing dogs with type, temperament and working ability. It is our hobby and our passion.
Producing multi-purpose Labradors with natural hunting ability and retrieving drive is what we strive for but just as importantly possessing that wonderful Labrador nature, suitable for companion homes and working homes alike.
Our endeavor is to breed Labradors that meet the breed standard, he should be handsome, intelligent and capable of a full day’s work in the field.
Please note: accepting expression of interest
Tinsletown Labradors
I have been breeding Labrador Retrievers since 2008; I am situated by the beach in beautiful Torquay, Victoria.
As a Dogs Victoria registered breeder & a lifelong lover of Labradors, I strive for well-rounded sound dogs, who have the potential to become excellent show dogs, breeders, service dogs, companion dogs and loyal pets.
My Labs live a happy healthy life with me in my home by the ocean, it is a very loving environment and I consider them as part of my family. All my puppies are brought into this world with the maximum amount of love and care that I can give them.
All my Labradors are screened and tested before breeding and all bloodlines are researched and selected for optimal success in the quest to always strive to improve on the Labrador Retriever breed standard.
Contact: Michelle Jones Mobile: 0429 237 688 e-mail:
Please note: we do not have any puppies available at the moment
Bellbidgee Labradors
Bellbidgee Labradors has been breeding since 2011, with the purpose pf producing beautiful, sound, & healthy Labrador Retrievers with great temperaments.
Regularly competing in conformation shows, dogs are raised in the country and are a part of the family, and everyday life.
At Bellbidgee Labradors, each breeding is planned in detail with every effort taken to maintain and improve quality bloodlines.
Visit our Facebook Page
We are a small family kennel based at Macarthur in southwest Victoria. We brought our first Labrador in 1977 who happened to be a pedigree puppy and were instantly hooked and bred our first litter in 1978. We initially started using our dogs very much as gundogs (until early 2000s) as my husband and sons were keen shooters and then began to dabble with showing. Our dogs have also been used in the Seeing Eye Dogs breeding program and Dogs for Disability.
Our dogs have always been a huge part of our family, and share time in the house with us and the "house pets" who live inside. We couldn't imagine life without our beautiful dogs hogging the couch and our beds and having fun at the beach or local rivers where we fish.
We pride ourselves in producing sound puppies with exceptional temperaments and put a large amount of time into rearing our puppies to ensure the puppies have been socialised for a good start in their life. Our grandchildren are constant visitors and as such demonstrate the fabulous temperaments our dogs have. Getting in the front door is often difficult with the four legged welcome and wagging tails!
Seafaeries has been showing and breeding top quality specialty winning Labrador Retrievers for nearly 40 years. Currently located in the picturesque fishing village of Port Fairy on the southwest coast of Victoria.
All of my breeding stock is certified for joint soundness, eyes are checked annually by a board certified ophthalmologist, we also test for TVD and all currently available genetic tests.
Puppies will be available this summer.
Tamudly Labradors
I am a small family kennel based in Melbourne's outer west. My dogs are a huge part of my family and live inside with myself, partner and two kids.
We attend weekly obedience classes with Ballarat Dog Obedience Club and the occasional dog show (with the current situation, I haven't been able to attend as many as I would've liked to).
I pride myself in producing sound puppies with exceptional temperaments and put a large amount of time into rearing and socialising puppies to ensure the very best start of life. My kids play a huge role in helping with the puppies.
All my dogs are hip & elbow score, have full DNA profiles, eye clearances and dentition reports so that I have the beset confidene my puppies will grow to be healthy and sound.
See my profile on Dogzonline.
I purchased my first Labrador when I was 13 years old. Her name was Colmeka Candy Ann. I called her Shandi I paid $60 with money I earned from a paper round. I got involved with the Labrador Retriever Club and obtained my Junior Shooters license and started competing in Retrieving Trials.
Shandi obtained her Retrieving Trial Champion title at 4 years old and I was 17 and the second female to obtain this title in Victoria. My Mum Pamela Matthews and I went to the KCC office and registered the Shanstar Kennel prefix as I wanted to breed. Over the years, I bred mainly for myself, always with health and working ability at the forefront.
Dogs I bred obtained titles in Retrieving, Agility, Obedience and ET, including RT Ch Shanstar Cassie who is in the Retrieving Hall of fame.
As life went on, I had a break from breeding and let my prefix lapse, but my Labradors have always been in my life and heart.
Recently, Kenya has come into our lives and I decided to reapply for my Shanstar prefix and was successful.
In 2023, Kenya obtained titles in Retrieving, Agility and Tricks. She has passed all her health testing and this year we will hopefully be looking forward to another beautiful litter of Shanstar puppies.
Further information is available on our Facebook Page, Shanstar Working Labradors, or contact Terri on 0403 362 386
Kelindebar Labradors
Linda Adams -
As we are proud of the Labrador Retrievers we produce, we love showing them to the world and compete with high success most weekends at conformation shows.
All litters are carefully planned to produce the best puppies we possibly can. Every aspect is considered with regard to health, temperament and sound conformation when planning a litter. All relevant health testing of parents is undertaken. We usually breed so that we can keep a puppy for ourselves as a future show prospect and it is important to us that the other puppies are placed in loving homes.
I am licensed to judge Labrador Retrievers at Championship level as well as many other breeds and have judged throughout Australia and New Zealand.
see my profile on Dogzonline.
Stud Dog Register
The stud dogs listed in this section are owned by current Labrador Retriever Club of Victoria members. The owners of these stud dogs have been financial members of the Club for at least two years, attended the breeder forum, paid the annual stud dog listing fee and submitted copies of the dogs' health test results.
Click on the tab to view each stud dog profile. Each dog will have information on their hip and elbow scores, DNA tests and any other health screening.
Minimum requirements for owners of bitches seeking stud dog service:
the bitch must be a pedigree purebred on Main Registration
must be at least 18 months of age (ANKC Regulations Part 6 The Register & Registration - 8.12.2)
have obtained an ANKC CHEDS score from a panel radiologist
stud dog owners will require evidence of the results of the recommended health tests and a copy of the pedigree certificate
Read more about Litter Registration Limitations
All breeders registered with Dogs Victoria must abide by the Code of Practice (CoP)
Zenchel Weather The Storm
Sire: Zenchel Stormy Weather (AI)
Dam: CH Zenchel The Yokes On U
Owner: Sylvia Power E-mail:
Hips: 1:1 Elbows: 0:0
PRA-prcd: clear, EIC: carrier, HNPK: clear
Coat colour: Black carrying yellow and chocolate (EeBb)
ACES Eye Certificate: Normal 14/9/2022
Cardiac: clear doppler ultrasound (Dr R Woolley)
Zenchel Watch Carefully Lewis (AI)
Sire: GER JR CH INT CH POL CH SE CH VDH CH Dolbia Will to Please (POL)
Dam: Zenchel Zaida
Owner: Sylvia Power E-mail:
Hips: 2:2 Elbows: 0:0
PRA-prcd: clear, EIC: clear, HNPK: carrier
Coat colour: Black carrying chocolate, not yellow (EEBb)
ACES Eye Certificate: Normal
Cardiac: clear doppler ultrasound (Dr R Woolley) 6/10/2023
Aralyen Surfs Up From Tampabay (AI)
Sire: UK SH CH, CAN CH, AM GCHS Tampa Bay & Snobo Gusty Seas Batten Down The Hatch RN
Dam: Aralyen From Paris With Love
Owner: Megan Purtill e-mail:
PRA: clear, EIC: clear, HNPK: clear
HIPS 1:4, ELBOWS 0:0
Yellow (Does Not Carry Chocolate)
ACES Eye Certificate: Normal 28/4/2022
Rodorbal Stormur
Sire: Zenchel Weather the Storm
Dam: Sybeck Enchantress
Owner: Mrs Linda Malseed e-mail:
Mobile: 0427 836 427
PRA: clear, EIC: clear, HNPK: clear
HIPS 2:6, ELBOWS 0:0
Black carrying Yellow and Chocolate
ACES Eye Certificate: Normal 14/10/2022
CH Kelindebar Show Time (AI)
Sire: Am CH Mex CH Maroma’s Captain Cove
Dam: CH Kelindebar Pretty Flash
Owner: Linda Adams e-mail:
PRA: clear, EIC: clear, HNPK: clear
HIPS 1:0, ELBOWS 0:0
Black (carries Yellow and Chocolate)
ACES Eye Certificate: Normal 22/03/2023
Other Directories
It is recommended that buyers refer to guides above before contacting breeders
- Dogzonline (please note that not all Labrador breeders listed in Dogzonline are members of the Labrador Retriever Club of Victoria)
- Dogs Victoria directory (please note that not all Labrador breeders listed in Dogs Victoria website are members of the Labrador Retriever Club of Victoria)
Fact Sheets/Articles of Interest
- Buying a puppy from a responsible breeder, published 11 June 2017 (Bayside Dog Owners Group, 3 part series)
- Getting a dog, Dogs Australia (ANKC)
- Choosing a puppy, Dogs Victoria Fact Sheet
Photograph used with permission of Ms Kearney (circa 2017)